Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Post-Post Mortem

I created this blog to honor my dog when I knew I was losing him. My intent was to write only one post, his tribute, on February 22, 2011. Then, when he passed away this past Saturday, 3/26, I could not bear the thought of entertaining multiple questions about how he was doing, so I posted notice of his death and a link to it on Facebook. I guess that’s what they call “ripping the bandaid quickly,” though it’s been more of a slow tear. Not everyone is on Facebook, and not everyone has read my posts. Yesterday, Monday, for example, one of the secretaries at my school noticed me crying. I had to explain, and explanations turned into hysterics. And today, by total coincidence, at the end of my day, one of my students asked how my dog was, and I had to say the words aloud: “I actually had to put him to sleep on Saturday.” I didn’t cry just then, though, because I didn’t want to make him feel bad. I thanked him for asking and told him it is “hard,” and then I cried the whole car ride home.

I have decided to keep up with this blog. I need somewhere to put the pain and the experience of life without Huan. Maybe no one will read it. And that is OK. What matters is that I need to write it. And maybe people will read it and think, “He was just a dog.” And that’s OK, too. My response, if I felt inclined to give one, would be that those people probably don’t have a dog. Dog owners don’t say “just a dog” because they know two things, first and foremost: 1. They no more own a dog than they own their family. 2. A relationship with a dog is man’s greatest exercise in humility. An honest comparison of species renders man just human.

More importantly, I would say to those people that they surely have never known Huan.


  1. love your writing, we are listening. love you guys.


  2. I have never had a dog, but I still relate completely to the grief that you are feeling. It is real. The love that you and Huan have for each other is unconditional--in many ways, it is probably less complicated than any other love you've ever felt. How could you not miss that with your whole heart and soul?

    I'm sorry if that comment wasn't gramatically correct or made no sense.

    Love you!
